This Saturday, December 6th, the Cavegirls will be at the Woodinville High School Holiday Bazaar. This event will be our last appearance for the year! Don't miss out on your chance to stock up on some yummy treats and get cookbooks and kid's books for the readers on your shopping list. I will have all of the usual scrumptious gluten free, dairy free, paleo baked goods on hand and you'll have the opportunity to Meet The Authors!
Woodinville High School Holiday Bazaar
Saturday - December 6th, 2014 10:00AM to 4:00PM
Woodinville High School
19819 136th Ave NE
- Woodinville, Washington
We will bring a selection of yummy treats to the festival including:
Pumpkin Muffins!
World Famous Chocolate Chip Cookies ;)
Chocolate Cupcakes
Coconut Cupcakes
Cinnamon Coffee Cake Muffins
Chocolate Chip Scones
Snickerdoodle Cookies
Also, I'll have copies of all 4 Northwest Cavegirls Cookbooks:

Sides, Salads and Starters
And copies of our children's books:
The Spy Who Quacked
The Case of the Pilfered Peanuts
The Duck Flew Over the Kookaburra's Nest
Spirit Visions
Drop by, sample some yummy treats and browse the acres of cool stuff. I hope to see you all there!