So in that same vein, when I started researching the Paleo/Primal lifestyle, I took a new look at the science of food and food "advancement". Do we really need our food to be technologically, genetically or biologically "advanced" or was it just fine - even better- before someone tinkered with it? How does my body process that food, and what does it see as food versus an invading chemical? The more I read and experimented with what I ate the more I came to realize that the back-to-the-earth, do-it-yourself, natural-is-better way really was better for my body.
Here are some of the sites I used to do my Paleo/Primal research. I especially like the science page for Girl Gone Primal. She lays everything out and makes it very clear how our bodies process what we eat. I also think that the "Sugar: The Bitter Truth" video is a must-watch for everyone! Yes, it's an hour and a half long, but it's worth every minute of that! Go watch it! Go ahead...I'll wait. :)
Girl Gone Primal: Show me the Science
Sugar: The Bitter Truth Video
Mark's Daily Apple: Primal Blueprint 101
Robb Wolf's Paleo FAQ
I just love the post. I was searching for the primal wellness when I land on this page and believe me I just can't stop myself reading this post from start to end. Love this, keep posting the excellent posts.