Saturday, June 13, 2009

Random stuff

So, I don't have much to write this time, but it's been a while since I wrote anything. So here goes. Today is daughter's ballet/tap recital. She had her dress rehearsal a few days ago, and as long as the teacher in the wings doesn't mess them up with the wrong steps (she did this twice during the rehearsal), they should do ok. We're thinking of going to see Up or Night at the Museum 2 as a treat after the recital.

Maybe before it's time to go I'll get out and weed more of the garden. There's a row at the very front that never got weeded when the we did the rest of the garden, mostly because it was the worst one and hardest to weed. But it's got really tall grass in it now and It's looking pretty bad. The rest of the garden is looking great. The beets are growing really well, zucchini, butternut squash, pumpkins, red cabbage, lettuce, spinach, potatoes, peas, corn, green beans, soy beans, cukes, chard, watermelon & Onions, leeks are all growing like crazy. Broccoli, parsnips, green cabbage and rutabaga are growing pretty slowly, but I think that's ok. I've already been able to harvest enough lettuce, spinach, chard and beet greens to have salad for the family every night this week!

I think the little baby starts that got planted in friends' gardens all over the place are doing well, too. I'm not sure if they've started eating theirs yet, but they probably could tear off a leaf here and there to eat. I took a few zucchini starts to friends the other day. Hopefully they've got them in the ground by now (hint hint). :) And, Kate, I've got a couple more zucchini starts you can have if you want them. Just let me know.

Friday was Daughter's last Daisy scout meeting for the year, and of course she left her uniform in her dad's car that morning. They decorated daisy cookies, made little daisy bracelets and had a little graduation ceremony where they all got a fun patch to put on their uniform. She'll still be a Daisy next year, but she'll graduate into selling cookies. I think we're going to be in trouble then. :)

This whole month is crazy busy for me. Our family has a ton of June birthdays, Father's Day, etc. to do, and I've got a lot of MOMS Club stuff to finish up before passing the torch on to the new president. I just finished the Annual and Financial reports the other day and will mail them on Monday. We had our Board transition meeting and I handed the president binder to the new president. The last thing to do is plan the End of Year party. I still need to compile and print all of our fun awards, print our game directions, shop for the food and clean the house. When that's over then I'm going to sleep for a week before I emerge and have to start planning our 4th of July party...oh, wait, I don't have a whole week between those 2. :oP


  1. i'll take a zucchini if you've got any left.

  2. the zucchini are in the ground...eventually!!! debbie



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