Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fall Harvest from the Garden

It's getting colder around here! I've spent the whole day in a sweater and wool socks and I'm still freezing! With the colder weather, the garden gets a little sadder looking. I decided to go see what I could find still growing and pull my root veggies at the same time. I didn't think I'd find much, but the ever-producing garden surprised me once again with it's secret stash of produce.

In this box: Potatoes (I didn't even plant any potatoes this year!), carrots, turnip, rutabaga

 A bucket full of kale with cabbage, rhubarb and a mystery squash

In this box: red and green tomatoes, purple and green beans, white and purple onions, 2 tiny zucchini, cucumbers and a few broccoli florets.  I also picked a bunch of sage after taking this picture. I've got that drying in the dehydrator.
I'm always amazed how different one year to the next can be in the garden. Last year was a cool summer and I didn't get a ton of anything except green beans, apples and broccoli. This year was a hot summer and I got more of everything except apples. The turnips and rutabaga went crazy and I've still got a few in the ground. Kale also did very well and there's a bit of that left in the garden as well. My winter squash did very well but then got eaten by some critters, most likely rats.  Also, this year the alpine white strawberries did much better than the red ones, but I was really bad about weeding that bed. So, who knows! I do my best from year to year and hope for the best. I guess that's all you can ever do with a garden..


  1. What an amazing harvest! Hopefully all that beautiful veg will make up for the cold weather!



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