Saturday, January 28, 2012

Letting My Hair Down

As some of you may know, I've been growing my hair out for a couple of years. My hair grows fairly quickly and it's quite thick. So I thought it would be a great idea to donate my hair to a cause that would turn it into a wig for someone who had lost their hair due to illness or accident. My friend Rachel suggested a charity called Wigs for Kids, which creates custom cranial prosthesis for children at no cost to the child's family. I couldn't think of a better use for my hair than to give it to a child! So off I went to get my hair cut.

Each wig costs about $1800 in labor and materials to make, not including the hair. I'd like to send as much of that along with my hair donation as possible and need your help to reach that goal. If you are local to me and want to donate, you can give me a check for your donation amount made out to Wigs for Kids. Or if you would like to donate by credit card, I've set up a fundraising page at to raise that money and send it directly to Wigs For Kids. Can you help me reach my fundraising goal of $1800? Thanks!

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